Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Self Resonance Medicine, David Lu & Corp

Self Resonance Medicine
Black science of future medicine, EP patent: 3613582; TW patent: I744631 The black technology of future medicine, can help ~self environmental cleaning in the body, ~improve metabolism, ~open up the meridians , ~re-establish the internal environment, ~improve self-healing, ~improve autoimmunity, David Lu & Corp An establisher of Self resonance Medicine, Invent, Manufacture, Market “Bio wave reflection wearing devices” in the world. By use of Bio wave reflection wearing devices, Self Resonance Medicine can help everybody to be healthy. Our vision: Magic sticker: become Essential for everybody, Magic pads+ Magic belt: help everybody healthy freedom, Magic hat: protect people free of stroke & Alzheimer, Magic eye mask: help everybody happy use mobile phone, Hope to cooperate with, ~Health industry platform, ~Beauty and weight loss institutions, ~Elderly care center, ~Home care services, ~Post operative care, ~Medical Research Institutions, Target consumer market; Remove soreness: ~three minutes to improve soreness by use of Magic sticker, Regain youth: ~three months to regain youth by use of Magic pads, Stroke & dementia patient: ~avoid stroke & dementia by use of Magic hat, Cardiovascular patient: ~avoid myocardial infarction by use of Magic belt, Recovery after surgery: ~three times faster recovery from surgery by use of Magic belt, Chronic disease: ~get rid of the entanglement of sub-health by use of Magic pads + Magic belt, ~long-term illness and terminal cancer,

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


Qi, bio-wave, bioenergy, bio-electricity

Qi, along the meridians, spreads throughout the body, running in waves.

Qi is bio-wave, bioenergy, bio-electricity.

Cells, tissues, and organs grow and operate in a state of unobstructed Qi, 

It is as if the body moves in an air-ventilated environment.

There is a word in the Ancient Chinese Medicine : 

Meridians determine the life and death, must get through.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

magic eye mask

Magic eye mask Function:

Activate eye cell,  

 improves blue light and UV light damage,

 improving eye fatigue, eye bags and dark circles.

Get through tear ducts blocked,

improve dry eye and blink frequently ,

magic hat

Magic hat Function:
Improve brain blood flow, activate brain cells, 
~improve headache,
~avoid stroke,
~avoid Alzheimer,

Adjust brain waves, 
~improve sleeping,
~improve depression,
~improve bipolar disorder,

We expect Magic hat protect people free of stroke and Alzheimer.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

magic sticker

Magic sticker


~~Spinal balance immediately

~~Soreness improve in 3 minutes

~~Double the vitality immediately

~~Fatigue Recovery quickly

Tuesday, April 11, 2023


天津的故事 台東紅烏龍是台灣精品展的要角. 林老闆重感冒, 頭痛難捱, 攜帶止痛藥俱無效. 我用反射鞋墊樣品借他墊著睡覺, 治好他的頭痛. 原理:能量共振放鬆頭部, 不再壓迫神經

Friday, April 07, 2023






(視屏裡口誤說成林醫師, 謹向黃醫生致歉!)

Thursday, March 30, 2023


醫生 院長牙齦腫痛, 生物波反射片貼附牙齦腫處, 10 分鐘後感覺不痛, 能夠吃飯